Mumma, say goodbye to your leaks

A Pelvic Floor Tune Up

During pregnancy and childbirth, pelvic floor muscles can lose tone and fail to sufficiently support the pelvic organs, leading to issues like urinary incontinence.

The Emsella chair treats urinary incontinence by targeting the pelvic floor muscles. These are a series of muscles and tissues located in the pelvic area that stretch taut and form a sling or hammock to support neuromuscular control of the bladder.

Using electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy, Emsella non-invasively induces your pelvic floor muscles with the equivalent of 11,200 supramaximal contractions. This works to strengthen and re-educate the pelvic muscles in the same way as a Kegel exercise would but more effectively!

Signs that your pelvic floor may need some help post-partum

1). You’re experiencing leakage (stress incontinence). This is one of the most common types of pelvic floor dysfunction that can happen post-partum. Sneezing, coughing, exercising, jumping, dancing may all bring on leakage.

2). When you need to go, you really NEED to go (urge incontinence). An urgency to use the bathroom means that you might find yourself dropping everything and running to the bathroom when you need to empty your bladder.

3). Bowel incontinence, inability to control wind, soiling underwear, the need to wipe continuously or inability to completely evacuate your bowels.

4). Incomplete bladder emptying, frequent urination during the day/or night, slow/intermittent urine flow.

5). You have a prolapse or have a bulging or feeling of a heavy dragging sensation in the vagina or rectum. Some might say it feels like a small water balloon hanging down inside or outside their vagina (depending on the severity of the prolapse).

6). Having symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can also influence our sex lives and our sensuality.  Going beyond this, it can affect how we see ourselves as women, impacting feelings of joy, intimacy and being desirable.


A course of 6 – 8 initial treatments (2 per week) with the Emsella chair at our Traralgon clinic is recommended. Each treatment is 28 minutes long, you remain fully clothed and there is absolutely no downtime associated. These sessions are quick and discreet. All family members, including children are welcome.

Clients will be able to feel a difference in the treated area immediately following the first treatment. Optimal results will be seen after completing the series of recommended treatments, with symptoms continuing to gradually improve over the following weeks. 

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