Intimate Health for Men & Women

How can Emsella help me?

  • Emsella's efficacy in enhancing sexual function is grounded in its application of HIFEM technology, which offers several key advantages:

    1. Supramaximal Contractions: Emsella delivers highly focused electromagnetic energy to the pelvic floor muscles, inducing supramaximal muscle contractions. These contractions are significantly more intense than those achievable through voluntary muscle engagement.

    2. Full Pelvic Floor Engagement: Emsella's treatment engages the entire pelvic floor musculature, ensuring that all relevant muscles are exercised. This comprehensive approach addresses the core of many sexual health concerns.

    3. Neuromuscular Re-education: Beyond strengthening muscles, Emsella facilitates neuromuscular re-education. It retrains the nerves and muscles to work together harmoniously, enhancing coordination and control of the pelvic floor.

    4. Enhanced Blood Flow: The therapy's stimulation improves blood circulation in the pelvic region. Increased blood flow contributes to better sexual function by supporting healthier erections in men and heightened sensitivity in women.

  • For both men and women an orgasm will produce rapid muscle contractions of primarily the superficial pelvic floor muscles. You can easily achieve 11,000 Kegels with just a single 28 minutes Emsella treatment. Emsella treatment is clinically proven for pelvic floor muscle re-education.  Erectile Dysfunction can be a result of an underlying condition such as a weak pelvic floor or nerve damage. Hypertrophy of the pelvic muscles leads to a block of the outflow of blood. Once these muscles are strengthened using the Emsella Chair, better erections may follow.

  • During menopause, levels of estrogen decline, often resulting in a thinning of muscle (including the pelvic floor muscle). Laxity or 'looseness' can result and can cause a decrease in orgasm potential. The Emsella is focused on the muscles of the pelvic floor, and has been shown to increase the size of the pelvic floor muscles themselves.